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Get Keywords and backlinks opportunities to exploit now.

Find the best keywords opportunities on which you should be ranked. Discover the SEO potential and the difficulty of each keyword. Get a list of backlinks opportunities to prospect.

14-day free trial. No credit card required.

Included: Rank tracking Page analysis Backlinks monitoring Competitors analysis Keywords suggestion ... and many more!

Reliable data

Our algorithm use the most reliable data (search volumes from Google, ranks from SERPs, backlinks from Majestic SEO, content from your comptitors pages, etc)

Easy to use

No configuration needed. Get instant results and analysis. Each data is clearly explained.

Valuable results

Our algorithms summarize your analyzes in order to return only valuable data to improve your SEO.

Join your happy users

On average, + 22% of SEO visits through Google in less than 3 months

Thousands of suggestions to develop your visits.

Find your competitors keywords

Get the list of your competitors keywords that generate keywords. Thank to our algorithm, you will get relevant keywords to your business.

A backlinks list to work on

Thanks to our algorithms and Majestic SEO data, we generate the list of backlinks you could get based on your competitors backlinks analysis.

High potential keywords

Using Google data like search volume or Cost per clicks, we calculate the potential of each keywords. That means you can measure the Ads budget you will save by improving your SEO.

Questions you should answer

When writing content, it could be hard to get inspiration. Keywords suggestions give you a list of questions asked by potential visitors.

14-day free trial. No credit card required.

Useful reliable data.

Google search volume

CPC Cost per clicks

SEO Value potential

Competitors backlinks

Links toxicity

Links influence

Competitors keywords

Estimated SEO rank

Long tail keywords

How are generated our suggestions?

1. We find your SEO ompetitors

Based on your website ranking, we identify your best SEO competitors (the websites ranked on the same keywords than your website.)

  • SEO competitors identification
  • Your website ranks analyzed

2. We analyze their ranks and their backlinks

We gather your competitors best ranks and best backlinks from Google SERPs and from Majestic SEO backlinks database.

  • Gathering competitors backlinks
  • Gathering competitors ranks

3. Crossing competitors data

Our algorithms analyze all data gathered in order to make a cross-referring analysis. This helps you to list only relevant keywords and backlinks to your business based on your competitors.

  • Relevant keywords detection
  • High potential backlinks detection

4. We calculate best opportunities

We calculate performance indicators to help you selecting the best keywords and links for your business (high competition or niche)

  • Keywords search volume
  • Ranking potential
  • Spam Rating and links influence

That’s why our customers Cocolyze

I daily use Cocolyze to optimize the SEO of our SaaS solution. What I like the most about Cocolyze is the simplicity and the clarity of the data. A powerful tool, comprehensive and accessible, which enables us to increase our organic traffic by +265% in 4 months. Cocolyze is now THE tool used in our start-up to improve our SEO and to generate more organic traffic.
Constant Deram,

The first 14 days are free
(and we know it will be enough)

Included: Rank tracking Pages scan Backlinks analysis Competitors analysis Writing assistant
...and many more features!

Get your 14-day free trial

(Pay-as-you-go - no credit card required)